Monday, February 27, 2006

Le Monde, santuaire et champ de bataille

Je viens juste de lire mon premier livre de Daniel Bourguet. Il est un hermite qui habite dans le sud de la France. Il est le Père de la fraternité spirtuelle des veilleurs - un groupe monastique de l'Eglise Reformée.

Ce livre parle du monde, et comment il est au même temps un santuaire et un champ de bataille. Sa fondation est la prière de Jesus en Jean 17. Il parle aussi de nos coeurs, qui sont aussi des champs de bataille.

Pour moi, c'est évident que Bourguet a eu de vrai revelation. Il y a pas mal des auteurs qui écrit des bons livres, mais celui est plus. J'ai deja entendu Bourguet est un des premiers enseignants Français, et je suis d'accord. Je pense qu'il est un prophet a la france, et peut être le monde. Ce livre m'a beaucoup touché!

J'aime bien comment il presente un point de vue equilibré - le monde est de fois un enemni, mais au même temps, c'est ici que nous vivons notre culte rational... Dieu nous a créé pour vivre notre foi dans ce monde.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Le Petit Cathéchisme de Martin Luther

Serge gave me a copy of this book last week, and I worked through it pretty quickly. To be honest, I didn't even know what a catechism was. :$ The shame... He said he felt like it was important for me to read some stuff like that.

I enjoyed it. I was surprised to see how I agree with almost everything in it, but have never vocalized it. At the same time, our emphasises are very different. We believe the same, but somehow our foundation has become hidden or misplaced. The most common verse wasn't John 3.16, but the Lord's prayer. The creed was simple, articulate, and well thought through. He also talks about baptism and the Lord's Supper a lot. Which is cool... we seem to have lost a little bit of that emphasis.

Definitely important stuff to read...


The Cost of Discipleship

Bonhoeffer has become one of my favourite authors. This book was a bit over my head, but I must have learned something from it, because I often find myself thinking about what he's written. It's easy to see why "The Cost of Discipleship" has become to well known. It's simple reliance on grace, but a high level of commitment.

A few things that stick out are the introduction which describe the need for the revolution in the church. Another is his radical call for a return to the beatitudes. I think I may have almost cried during it. There's something about it that breathes life. It's almost punk rock. lol. The visible community seems to be something God is teaching me about as well. Towards the end he has some great parts about sanctification.

Anyway ... great book. I definitely want to read some more Bonhoeffer.
